Jenna PooleHormonesHealing after BirthHealing after birth is not really talked about, is it? Of course you have a 6 week check up. But what about the finer details, the stuff
Jenna PoolePost PartumAnxietyanxiety has always been present. Sometimes it's been so loud I've not got out of bed and sometimes it's been so quiet that I've forgotten ho
Jenna PoolePost PartumStretch Marks, Loose Skin and What to do about itIn some ways there is guilt and shame around wanting to reduce the appearance of stretch marks, loose skin, acne, burns, scars etc....
Jenna PoolePost PartumPost Partum: Week 3What I'm loving: Space and time. I'm loving the feeling of doing what I can and leaving what I can't. Baby snuggles, breast feeding and I...
Jenna PoolePost PartumPost Partum: Week 2It's been a whole week since we brought out second baby girl earth side and I'm ready to set some goals for the week ahead! I've broken...