Are you ready to ditch the fad diets, stop giving away your power and start eating in a way that you love and thrive on?
Welcome to The Reset.
Where you’ll be guided through a food as medicine detox designed to improve digestion and increase your energy.
You'll then be supported out of ’diet’ mode, with a strategic approach to teaching you how to re introduce foods and know and understand their affect on you, your body and your emotions.
By the end of the program you’ll know exactly what foods your body likes, understand food intolerances, and ultimately have Created a WAY of Eating that You love and thrive on!
Knowing and understanding your body better than anybody else and support you in understanding how your emotions and food influence influence each other so that you're able to make more informed and empowered decisions.
Can you relate?
When you feel constantly fatigued, your tummy hurts, you're bloated and your brain is foggy, you become vulnerable to make decisions that you'll later regret. And then suddenly the quick fix shake program looks like the answer.
Or maybe restricting your diet even more and working your ass off will FINALLY Give you the body and the energy of your dreams?
Can you relate?
Every program, product or pill could be the answer and the desperation sets in.
You’ll do anything to make the pain go away, the fatigue to lift and you think that the confidence will come as a result.
It’s time to ditch the fad diets and stop giving away your power.
The Reset will have you:
And this is exactly what I’ll be teaching you inside of The Reset program so you can ditch the diets for good and Create a Way of Eating that you Love and Thrive On!
I get it, I use to be YOU.
I felt so hopeless and disappointed in myself that I couldn’t stick to a program long enough to feel good! I felt SO guilty on day 3 when I accidentally ate dairy yogurt!
I didn’t know why I was bloated and tired all the time!
I’d change outfits 3 times trying to get comfortable, the waistband on my tummy would rub and I felt like i couldn’t breathe.
I’d get so anxious going into restaurants, not knowing if I’d walk out bloated, foggy and guilty.
I couldn’t land in this sense of comfortability and coziness within my body.
And as a result, I feel like I wasted so many years of my life.
Worrying and stressing over my body and how it felt, because I couldn’t move past it to BE PRESENT with my friends at the bar, or sink into the fine dining experience with my husband, or feel confident wearing my bikini at the beach.
And so I began to research, experiment and implement nutrition and lifestyle protocols to heal myself.
I created a Way of Eating that I Thrived on!
I now head into restaurants with confidence and ease, knowing exactly what to eat AND feel good!
To be honest, I rarely think of those times of anxiety, I am able to completely immerse myself in the presence of my loved ones, and enjoy the moment.
I can bounce on the trampoline with my kids because I feel GOOD and have the energy.
I pivot with ease when I am bloated and know the EXACT Steps to take to feel good again.
I wake in the morning comfortable in my body, my clothes slide on with ease and I’m SO PROUD of my body! It looks and Feels incredibly light and spacious
And now I’m teaching you to do the same!
Imagine In 6 Weeks Time
Waking up in the morning, cozy in your body and excited because you feel energetic!
Having the energy to ENJOY your kids, the sunshine, your LIFE
Having the brain space and energy to get the house work done!
Being so appreciative that you have the energy to ENJOY your relationships with your partner, your kids and yourself.
Wanting to go for a run or a workout because you have the energy and DESIRE to, not because you HAVE to
Feeling light and lean in your tummy, Your pants are comfortable to wear, and you FEEL. PROUD of yourself and your body
Going to a restaurant and choosing what you WANT to eat, rather than what you think you SHOULD eat.
Feeling in control of your food and knowing what you are eating is nourishing your body and won’t make you bloat
Having the tools to pivot when you’re emotionally eating
Just overall feeling DAMN GOOD in your body and as a result every area of life is AMPLIFIED
Imagine Knowing yourself as:
Anchored in your who you are
​This is for you if:
You’ve tried all the diets and programs, but find it hard to STICK to one long term
The “simple” tasks are hard, the washing, the folding, cleaning the house because you feel fatigued, foggy and lack motivation.
You struggle with consistency and you feel the health of your body holds you back, it feels tight, acidic and inflamed and you can’t seem to shift it.
You lack motivation to see things through for more than 2 weeks and find it difficult to create long term sustainable change.
Food is your go to in times of stress or high emotions, you use it as a crutch in hard time and feel as though food is controlling you, you think about it all the time and can’t seem to break free.
You feel like there’s no structure to your eating, and this makes your feel overwhelmed and out of control
You feel like your relationships are suffering because your internally focused, exhausted and don't have the energy or space to give from
What's Included
In this 6 week program, I’m going to take you through exactly what you need for a full body reset and to achieve food freedom, including:
A Meal Plan & Guide
Shopping List
Recipe Book
3 Live Trainings
Weekly Journal Prompts
Tools for time management and scheduling your week
Guided Meditation
Weekly Empowerment tasks
Support from me in Private Facebook group page 5 Days a week
The Masterclasses: What you'll learn
Foundations of Nutrition
Learn the basic fundamentals of nutrition and how it influences your body. Understand the role MacroNutrients, protein, carbohydrates & fat play in fuelling your body.
Fuel Sources of the Body
Understand how the food your using to fuel your body can either create fatigue, pain and inflammation or vital Energy & a body that feels GOOD.
Learn & understand HOW the body detoxes WHILST your body is detoxing! This masterclass will explain detoxification pathways and symptoms and give you tools to supprt your body through it's detox.
Gut Wealth & Digestion
Learn the anatomy & physiology of digestion, understand the role of microflora in your gut health.
By the end of this ,Masterclass you’ll walk away with tools for Stool Success, how to relieve bloating, understand what’s affecting your digestion & food as medicine principles you can implement to have a healthy wealthy gut!.
Intermittent Fasting
Learn all about the benefits of intermittent fasting, when and how to incorporate it into diet structure.
More importantly, learn when NOT to fast, and when & why it could be more detrimental than beneficial
Food Associations Vs Cravings
In this masterclass you’ll learn to recognise what’s a craving, and what a food association. This potent understanding can be a game changer in shifting through emotional eating behaviours.
Sleep Habits
Learn why sleep matters, the hormones involved in sleep wake cycle, along with what is affecting you sleep quality and quantity. By the end of this Masterclass you’ll understand the nutrients & foods that support sleep and have tools to implement that support restorative quality sleep.
Learn the science, hormones of stress, the different types of stress and how you can navigate different types of stress through alternative perspectives.
By the end of this Masterclass you’ll have learnt about the HPA Axis, the health impacts of stress and be given stress management techniques to help you move through it with ease.